In terms of the Federal Law on the Protection of Personal Data (LFPDP), held by individuals and their regulations, we inform PARADISE DENTAL LOS CABOS, located on Puerto Paraiso Shopping Center, second floor, stores 285, 287, terrace 19, Postal Code 23479 Cabo San Lucas, B.C.S., is responsible for collecting your personal data. The use of what is given to them and their protection in compliance with the principles of legality, quality, consent, information, purpose, loyalty proportionality, and responsibility provided in the LFPDP and by this Privacy Notice. Those interested are those who provide the Personal Data to PARADISE DENTAL LOS CABOS, directly before the officials of the PARADISE DENTAL LOS CABOS.


The personal data that PARADISE DENTAL LOS CABOS, collects are
necessary for the service request used for the following purposes:


PARADISE DENTAL LOS CABOS requires personal data to provide the services and products requested, specifically dental treatments, implants, and reconstructions, inform about changes, and evaluate the quality of the services. For commercial intermediation, we require the following personal information: Name, Surname, Email, and Telephone numbers (home, cell phone, and/ or office). In some cases, where it is strictly necessary to sign contracts in general or where an act of sale or lease with third parties is carried out, we may collect the following information: Official identification, address, RFC, CURP, proof of income, personal, the labor of commercial references, marital status, occupation, date, and place of birth, public deed accrediting ownership of the respective property, receipt of property payment, receipt of services (water, electricity, or telephone), personal identification, contact information, and work data to create more certainty in the transactions carried out by PARADISE DENTAL LOS CABOS.


In addition, PARADISE DENTAL LOS CABOS uses personal data to facilitate better services, research, analysis, statistical reports, and studies to
implement new commercial techniques. In case of any controversy or legal nature, PARADISE DENTAL LOS CABOS may use personal data to undertake legal defense strategies to leave it safe from any Judgment,
award, or conviction.


PARADISE DENTAL LOS CABOS guarantees the confidentiality of the Personal Data protected by administrative, technical, and physical security measures to avoid damage, loss, alteration, destruction, use, access, or improper disclosure, for which reason ratification of the authorization is required to use personal data to achieve the finalized ones that are mentioned in advance. The personal data is located in an internal database, whose administration is through access keys that change periodically and whose access is restricted to authorized persons; Confidentiality agreements with our staff are part of our standards.


The personal data are shared inside and outside the country with third parties, for which we notify in advance of at least 15 working days to the address indicated for that purpose, requiring an agreement and accepting documents to transfer personal data with third parties.


The provider of the personal data has the right to access, rectify and cancel their personal data to oppose their treatment (collectively “ARCO Rights”). For this, a written letter requesting the exercise of ARCO Law addressed to PARADISE DENTAL LOS CABOS, located at the address indicated above or via email at, in both cases, must be acknowledged so that PARADISE DENTAL LOS CABOS, is linked in this regard. The letter must contain the following information: (a) Name and surnames, if applicable in your name; (b) Email address to receive notifications; (c) a simple copy of the provider and legal representative (if applicable) official identification, (d) the existence of the representation, employing a public instrument or a power of attorney signed before two witnesses, as the case may be; (e) clear and precise description of the Personal Data in respect of which it seeks to exercise the ARCO Rights; (f) any element or document that facilitates the location of the Personal Data; and (g) signing the letter. In case of requesting the exercise of the right of (a) Rectification, it shall indicate the modifications to be made and provide the documentation that substantiates and supports the request; and (b) Access; PARADISE DENTAL LOS CABOS, will provide the Personal Data by email or by appointment in administrative offices with the address mentioned above in a maximum period of 20 business days from the acknowledgment of receipt of the request, the request must be attended to and informed of the origin of the request by a notice sent to the email.